
A tutorial on generalized additive mixed-effects model (GAMM)

Preliminaries: The challenge of dynamic data Phonetics used to concern mostly with static data, such as VOT, formant values at vowel midpoint, or F0 at vowel onset. But as computers are getting more and more powerful, it is common (almost a necessity) to analyze dynamic data. For example, instead of F0 at vowel onset, pitch contour during the voiced parts needs to be analyzed, and similarly, formant trajectories are analyzed instead of formant values at vowel midpoints.
5 min read

How I backup my data

Digital data is easy to copy and also easy to lose, due to (usually sudden) failure of electronic devices. A good habit is to backup regularly and in different locations. This post is about my solution to data backup. Classification of digital data Digital data can be classified according to their importance and sizes, and the following lists some of the categories based on their importance. Data that can be downloaded online Papers and e-books collected from various sources Personal photos and videos Experimental data and code Personal documents and writings Data that can be downloaded online is the lease important, since they can be easily accessed online and even it’s lost, it can be easily found online. Papers and e-books (or other resources) that are collected from various sources and clearly organized are more important. Some resources are hard to find, and once it is found, it’s better to keep it safe and have multiple copies. Personal photos and videos are even more important, to keep a record of ones’s life and happy memories.
2 min read


2 min read