
Scraping all the texts of Luxun(鲁迅) from the Internet using Python (用Python爬取《鲁迅全集》)

I want to do some text mining practices on the texts of Luxun(鲁迅), a great Chinese writer. The first step is to get all the texts by Luxun, and I have no time typing all the texts word by word. So I decided to srape the texts from an online source. Source of the texts The texts of Luxun are scraped from 子夜星网
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Writing academic papers using Sublime Text 3 + Pandoc

This post explains how to write academic papers using Sublime Text 3 in markdown format and transform the .md file into .docx and pdf files using pandoc. Prerequisites To write academic papers in markdown format requires a markdown editor, a format trnasformer, maybe also a literature manager. I use Sublime Text 3 as the markdown edit, Pandoc as the format transformer, and Zotero as the literature manager. This section lists the things we need. Sublime
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