
在 LaTeX 中显示生僻字

在 LaTeX 里显示生僻字是一个棘手的问题。用xeCJK包可以解决这个问题,而且不用在文件中遇见生僻字就改字体。 xeCJK包的使用手册中有FallBack的选项(8 页),可以用以下两种办法指定生僻字的字体 \setCJKmainfont[FallBack=SimSun-ExtB]{SimSun} \setCJKmainfont{SimSun} \setCJKfallbackfamilyfont{\CJKrmdefault}{SimSun-ExtB} 第一种办法是在指定字体时用FallBack参数指定备用字体,第二种办法是在指定字体之后再用\setCJKfallbackfamilyfont指定备用字体。二者是等价的。但是要注意的是,在用FallBack时,必须在导入xeCJK宏包时设置AutoFallBack=true。
1 min read

Customizing pdf output of Pandoc

I am writing my PhD thesis and instead of using LaTeX, I want to write it in markdown together with Pandoc. This has several merits. I can easily transform the markdown file to docx for my supervisor to revise. It can also easily be transformed to pdf files through LaTeX. However, the default pdf output doesn’t conform to the format my school requires. What I am going to do is to customize the pdf format to meet the standard of my school.
3 min read