

Pandoc是转换文本格式的利器。在用 Pandoc 转换中文文档和生成大型文档时,例如用中文写作毕业论文等时,会遇到一些很麻烦的问题。我在前面的博客里说过我在用 Markdown
6 min read

Customizing pdf output of Pandoc

I am writing my PhD thesis and instead of using LaTeX, I want to write it in markdown together with Pandoc. This has several merits. I can easily transform the markdown file to docx for my supervisor to revise. It can also easily be transformed to pdf files through LaTeX. However, the default pdf output doesn’t conform to the format my school requires. What I am going to do is to customize the pdf format
3 min read

Writing academic papers using Sublime Text 3 + Pandoc

This post explains how to write academic papers using Sublime Text 3 in markdown format and transform the .md file into .docx and pdf files using pandoc. Prerequisites To write academic papers in markdown format requires a markdown editor, a format trnasformer, maybe also a literature manager. I use Sublime Text 3 as the markdown edit, Pandoc as the format transformer, and Zotero as the literature manager. This section lists the things we need. Sublime
2 min read