3 min read
Substitution in Vim with expressions
Substitution in vim is very efficient, especially with the help of expressions. This is especially useful for calculations. I discovered this usage when I wanted to insert a list of numbers to the beginning of each line. But before go to the example, let’s take a look at expressions in vim substitution. The expressions in vim are marked with “=”. This tells vim to treat the contents after “=” as expressions rather than literal texts. For example, vim will treat \=1+1 as 2 rather than the text 1+1. Using \=, I can insert numbers in the beginning of each line with expressions.
2 min read
Convert markdown files to pdf files using pandoc in vim
I am learning vim and I want to migrate my workflow in Sublime Text to vim. One of the things I do most with Sublime Text is to write markdown files and convert them to pdf files using Pandoc. After some search, I did not find a satisfied plugin which does such a job. The vim-pandoc seems to be too powerful. I did some more search and found this post, which is very informative and I follow the instructions to create my own plugin to convert markdown files to pdf files using pandoc in vim.
2 min read