
How to setup an IPA input method

Use RIME RIME is an input method engine. It can run different input method schemas, and of course, IPA. There are two schemas which are available in RIME, yunlong and xsampa. To use these schemas, you need to install RIME. It can be installed on Windows, MacOS and Linux. After installation, there are two files you need to modify to complete the configuration. The first is default.custom.yaml. My configurations of this file are as below.
2 min read

在 LaTeX 中显示生僻字

在 LaTeX 里显示生僻字是一个棘手的问题。用xeCJK包可以解决这个问题,而且不用在文件中遇见生僻字就改字体。 xeCJK包的使用手册中有FallBack的选项
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已刊于《语言文字周报》。 酿菜是很多人都很爱吃的菜,比如酿豆腐、酿苦瓜、煎酿三宝等等。所谓酿菜,根据《现代汉语词典》:“烹调方法,将肉、鱼、虾等剁碎做成
4 min read